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The Wilderness of Wellness

The community for women who want to live their life abundantly, not held back by their body's size or symptoms.

The WoW is a community-based approach to your holistic wellness needs hosted by Danielle Hofer.

Danielle has taken the best of her high-level, high-touch 1:1 approach and placed it in an achievable format via The Success Path for you to achieve your health and wellness goals.

You may come needing help with:

  • Achieving a healthy and balanced body composition (weight issues)
  • Reducing your headaches and/or migraines
  • Improving your thyroid numbers
  • Balancing your hormones
  • Improving your cholesterol/triglyceride numbers
  • Improving your blood sugar (A1C/Fasting/After meals)
  • Reducing your inflammation, body aches
  • Reducing your cravings, overeating, binging tendencies
  • Anxiety/Depression/Mood Disorders
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Doing what you can to prevent heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancers, or other diseases in your family
  • Toxicity, parasites, mold, H. Pylori, environmental toxicities
  • No gallbladder, wanting to remove gallstones naturally, fatty liver
  • Improving blood pressure, kidney function, sodium levels
  • Reproductive health concerns (period problems, peri-menopause, menopause, post menopause, fertility)

Or maybe something else! We’ve got you covered here in The Wilderness of Wellness!

Sign up today to make sure you don't miss the opportunity to join us!

Upgrades Coming to The Wilderness of Wellness:

  • A 6 Phase Success Path that takes you from where you are to where you want to be- looking better AND feeling better.
  • 90 minute live meeting once a month with Danielle Hofer, NTP (ND in training) where she teaches you and offers live personalized Q&A.
  • Small group opportunities where you’ll have an intimate setting to support each other, get results faster (and maintain them), and have deeper accountability.
  • Workshops that includes a guest speaker, goal planning, membership support.
  • Monthly assessment opportunities for Team CIMC to provide you the resources you need to continue to be successful on your wellness journey
  • Community based opportunities- this are arguably the most important aspect of our new design.
  • Opportunity for monthly group therapy with personalized Q&A with our on staff social worker.
  • Recipes
  • Functional fitness workout app so you can show up to the gym with confidence and ability post questions on form/modifications

… and this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Access to The Wilderness of Wellness is open for women who want to live their life abundantly, not held back by their body’s size or symptoms.

In the WoW we get women re-connected with their body, help them build healthy relationships, healthy habits, and deepen their relationship with Jesus.

And we believe in the power of community- being seen, known, valued, all the while doing new and hard things. It helps build confidence for all of life’s needs.

Why You Should Join:

😰 You are tired of the gimmicks- eating from templates, working out and not seeing the results you want, managing points, the shakes that make you bloat and feel like crap.

📱 You want to continue to learn and not just follow rules.

👩‍⚕️You want access to a real health care practitioner, not just someone at a desk, a call center, a coach in a box, or a “boss babe.”

💃🏼 You want to not only look good, but FEEL good, too.

⚖️ You realize weight loss may be the first part of your health journey but you desire support after the weight loss.

🍽 You want to learn how you should eat for YOUR body and YOUR lifestyle for the long term.

🙍🏼‍♀️ You’re tired of the mental energy wasted trying to figure out what real health looks like for YOU amidst conflicting online advice.

✍️ You want the mental health support that goes along with living a healthy life.

🌾 You want access to alternative approaches to health and wellness that includes nutritional therapy, homeopathy, mental health, mindset, spiritual health, relational health, and nutrition & fitness.

🏋️ You want workouts proven to increase muscle mass, improve cardiovascular and blood sugar balance, and create a better metabolism.

💊 You want someone who can recommend therapeutic nutrients/supplements to help support you on your wellness journey.

💻 You want a safe online community off of traditional social media where you can engage and grow.

Be notified when the doors open to The wilderness of wellness!

We would be honored to be part of your health care team, helping you live life abundantly not held back by your body's size or symptoms. Sign up below to learn more about the WoW and be notified when the doors open!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.